Wednesday 24 July 2024



By Issifu Seidu Kudus Gbeadese

(Youth Imam from Laribanga)


A Gonja parlance goes that “the strength of a ram is in its waist.” This is held in various ways to imply that great leaders are made by his close associates and those who have his ear. 

When he lost power in 2016, many people attributed varied reasons to President Mahama’s painful lost. On top of the list of the reasons was the conduct of those closer or who surrounded President Mahama. In the midst of these, everybody had an opinion—some justified, others were made without recourse to the facts and details of how things were done.

Dr. Callistus Mahama, a known distinguished academic, an accomplished man in many ways and high-handed principled man with his eye on details, was discovered and brought into full swing public service. He was made the Head of the Local Government Service—a position mostly reserved for mainstream politicians to execute politically-motivated agenda. 

I had a relatively faint feel of Dr Callistus at KNUST when I served as the President of the National Association of Gonjaland Students. Until his appointment, I saw Dr. Callistus as a strict academic who would not settle for any impropriety as far as administration is concerned. Mind you, this principle is far in contrast with the practice in our governance system as a country. 

I didn’t get the opportunity to access and review his works at the Local Government Service during the period he served as the head, until my curiosity got tickled when I got closer and was amazed by the kind of person Dr. Callistus is. So, I discarded my opinion about him, which was indeed, largely influenced by what people said and the relatively short interface I had with him. 

Reviewing his work at the Local Government Service made me to get more curious to read about him and his publications. This was a great person in different fields and dimensions. I have so far reviewed about 6 of his publications in addition to the legislations he introduced and championed in our local government system. I would urge anybody reading this, to venture into reading the works especially, the new legislative frameworks and the administrative processes he introduced and championed in our local government architecture. 

Fast forward, H.E John Dramani Mahama drew him even closer after 2016 to administer affairs in his office. Many wondered how a strict, principled academic and disciplinarian could blend in with the kind of political arrangement we have become to be accustomed to in our body politics. Amazingly, Dr. Callistus is able to wave through the intricacies in the political environment while maintaining the discipline and reasonableness in conducting business at the Office of H.E John Dramani Mahama. 

As it stands now, many people do not even need the audience of H.E John Mahama at his office to get fixed. Ranging from attending to official matters to handling personal issues and effectively addressing party-political issues, Dr. Callistus seamlessly get them done and dusted. Given the calibre of staff at the office of H.E John Mahama and their respective expertise and roles, it will conventionally take a person with a high sense of versatility and acumen to administer such an office. This, Dr Callistus does with some ease although amidst some difficulties as it is expected.

I am not attempting to give all to him, but ordinarily ultimate responsibility largely lies on him, and this is my entry point with this article. 

Such a person ought to be celebrated all year round while he’s alive. Conversely, we take a day out such as his birthday to tell a story such as this.

On your birthday, sir, Dr. Callistus Mahama, I deem it an obligation to celebrate you in my own way. This is not praise-singing, but a story I can tell from my heart and from my strict perspective. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU DR. CALLISTUS MAHAMA. I am eternally grateful for getting me close and to know and experience the greatness in you. 

Continue to shine even in a dungeon.


  1. Happy birthday, Dr. Callistus

  2. Happy birthday Dr

  3. Happy belated birthday to you Dr

  4. Had doctor we wish you long time

  5. May Allah bless his new age. He is one of the men we need in Savannah Region
