Friday 21 July 2023



By Sulemana Hamza Abubakari

(Sir Hamza Apowda)


Many Countries around the world and International Organizations including The United Nations have recognised and emphasised the importance of menstrual hygiene. And due to this, most of these countries introduce policies that will aid and promote menstrual hygiene. It is indeed the case that sanitary pad is an essential product for promoting menstrual hygiene among young Ladies. 

As essential as it is, it just fair that government policies are geared towards ensuring its affordability. So, it will not just be unjust and unfair to womanhood but it is insensitive to slap hefty taxes on sanitary pads. More especially at a time the living condition of an average Ghanaian has deteriorated, it will only be fair for the government be considerate in such matters as making mensuration expensive. 

It is in this light that most of us think strongly that the government must remove the taxes on sanitary pad. And this call is predicated on the following reasons:

1. Gender Equality: Menstruation is a natural and biological process. It is a normal part of  a woman’s life and not by choice. So, taxing sanitary pads in effect engineer gender discrimination and eventually perpetuate gender inequality. This tax  unjustly and unfairly targets a specific gender for a natural process that they have no choice to avoid but experience it as part of their life cycle. It is imperative to recognise and address the gender bias inherent in taxing menstrual Products. 

2. Additionally, quality education and dignity of the Girl-Child is at risk. This is because access to menstrual products plays a significant role in ensuring uninterrupted education for young ladies. Abolishing tax on menstrual products will help ensure they attend school seamlessly and comfortably in dignity. In essence it discourages absenteeism and eventually fix the inherent gender-based disparities in our educational set up. 

3. Furthermore, Taxing menstrual products derail the efforts of Government and other Organisations  in promoting good health and hygienic lifestyle. Sanitary Pads are imperative for maintaining proper menstrual hygiene, preventing infections and protecting against potential health issues. Taxing these products is a potential disincentive to young ladies in accessing these essential products and this can likely lead to unhygienic practices and health risks. 

4. International movements against taxing menstrual products. There are various international /movements platforms like Myna Mahila Foundation, United Nations, World Health Organisation ( WHO), among others have recognise and Further launched campaigns for proper menstrual hygiene and also called for the elimination of taxes on menstrual products. These campaigns further elucidate the reason why Government  must as a matter of urgency abolish the taxes on sanitary Pads. 

In conclusion, to young ladies, taxing Sanitary pads is not only burdensome but also perpetuates gender inequality and poses a lot of health risks. Government should prioritise the well- being, dignity and the health of the women by exempting these essential products from taxation.

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