Monday 14 October 2024


 By Issifu Seidu Kudus Gbeadese 

(Youth Imam from Laribanga)


Much ado about nothing—the best description to be ascribed to the visit of President Akuffo-Addo to the Jakpa palace today, 14th October, 2024. 

The President was at his usual self when he took a direct swipe at the Yagbonwura in the full glare of the public. The Yagbonwura's crime was just a harmless appeal he made to the President to admonish his appointees to desist from their incessant disrespect to him and the time-tested customs of the people of the Gonja Kingdom. 

In his speech, the Yagbonwura appealed to President Akuffo-Addo to speak to and caution some of his appointees who have been disrespecting him by using their political power to undermine the laid down customs and traditions of the Gonja Kingdom. 

The customs and traditions of the people of the Gonja Kingdom are clear so that, no subservient paramount chief in the Kingdom is allowed to celebrate Damba Festival before the Yagbonwura. It has never happened and it ought to have happened. In view of this, the Yagbonwura reported in his speech that some of his appointees aided and fully supported one of his sub-chiefs to celebrate the Damba festival before him, the Yagbonwura. This is in clear breach of the customs of the kingdom.

Indeed, the Yagbonwura indicated that the said appointee actually ordered and sent heavily armed military men to protect the said paramount chief to undertake such a sacrilegious act of undermining the Yagbonwura and the customs and traditions of the Gonja people.

What the said appointee is not aware of is that, a prominent paramount chief in Gonjaland had him on phone to confirm his complicity in this sacrilege (disrespect of the Yagbonwura) at the instance of an emissary of Yagbonwura. So, before Yagbonwura will come public with such information, he actually had his facts verified and doubled-checked.

As usual of the President, he did not only sound dismissive and defensive of his appointees, but he boldly told Yagbonwura his report is FALSE. The President indeed, said that as per the briefings he had from his Regional Minister, Hon Muhaz Saeed Jibril, no such incident happened in Gonjaland and that none of his appointees aided and abetted any such abominable act of the said paramount chief.

Angry for describing him a liar, Yagbonwura ordered for his vehicles to leave the durbar grounds while the President was still delivering his speech. True to it, the Yagbonwura left the durbar grounds while Akuffo-Addo was still delivering his empty speech. Akuffo-Addo even said he was not happy with the Yagbonwura for making such an information public. 

The empty speech of the President was deliberately written to attack Former President Mahama, which he truly did in a grand style. Yes, Akuffo-Addo really used that occasion and platform to insult and attack former President John Dramabi Mahama, a royal and warrior of the Gonja Kingdom.

At the end of the day, Yagbonwura walked out on Akuffo-Addo for calling him a liar in public. When we said President Akuffo-Addo and his appointees don’t respect chiefs and traditional authorities, this is actually the height of it. What the President doesn’t know is that the sons and grand sons of Ndewura Jakpa are a proud people and so we will never countenance disrespect in any form and not even from the President of the Republic. Kudos to the Yagbonwura for showing leadership and bravery one more time. The entire Kegbanye minus the NPP appointees in Gonjaland are proud of you, Jira Bii-Kunuto Jewu Soale 1. May your reign be long.


Sunday 13 October 2024


From Issifu Seidu Kudus Gbeadese 

(Youth Imam from Laribanga)


Your Excellency,

I bring you the warmest felicitations from the caves of Laribanga where I engage in my meditations and receive daily inspirations from. You are warmly welcome to the great land of Ndewura Jakpa where great sons and grand sons like John Mahama comes from. 

Mr. President, I cannot question your will and decisions especially, where and when to pay a visit. As the father of the nation, you have every right and the executive power to even move the seat of government to my city in Laribanga. On that score, I cannot question you as to why you chose to pay a courtesy call on the Yagbonwura.

That said Mr President, we can all see from the smoke that your choice to visit Damongo is not just a mere administrative decision but a political move to seek to undo and wipe the footprints H.E John Dramani left when he came campaigning on the 5th of October, 2024. Even that political move cannot be questioned on any grounds, given that there are no rules in politics. But be reminded that it will take you the next 5 or more visits to make an attempt to undo President Mahama’s visit. 

We can say confidently that this move is solely to attempt a redemption of the image of your political god-son, Abu Jinapor. The son who has conspired with you to shortchange the people of Damongo Constituency and Gonjaland at large. 

Mr. President, one would have thought that after many times of visiting Damongo after the well-crafted deception of a sod cutting ceremony for the Damongo water project, we should by now by lining up to welcome you for the commissioning of the project. Unfortunately, you are coming to Damongo with empty hands and very unfortunately you come seeking for more. 

Perhaps, you deserve a reminder if you are deliberate about forgetting your own promise. Although, you even made a promise to God and has since stolen using His name, I would attempt a reminder on your promise. On the 29th of July, 2020, your god-son, Abu Jinapor brought you to the Damongo town park where the so called sod cutting for the Damongo water project was done. 

Your Excellency, that was 5 clear months after Covid-19 visited Ghana. In fact, this was after the 3 weeks lock down was lifted. Indeed, this was the moment your Parliamentary Candidates were sharing the covid funds to constituency/branch executives of the NPP. So, clearly, Covid cannot be the reason why you have not been able to execute the Damongo water project.

Again Mr President, Russia-Ukraine war happened outside of the timelines you gave us. In your speech during the sod-cutting, you boldly indicated to us that the about $49m dollar Damongo water project was going to take 18months to be executed. Holding all other variables constant, the Damongo water project should have been commissioned by the end of 2021 or in January 2022. Mr President, Russia launched a full scale invasion of Ukraine in February/March, 2022. In effect, the 18months timelines you set for the execution of the Project would have lapsed before this invasion. 

So, the attempts by Hon Abu Jinapor to blame the failure to deliver the water project he knew from day one that was not going to be executed, on covid and Russia-Ukraine war must be dismissed and treated as one of his disrespects and insults. To add insults to injury, some last minute biscuit has been packaged to us as bread. The Ghana Water Company Limited has come to extract water from a smelly borehole in Broto and to extend same to an overhead tank in Damongo where residents will still go with their drums to fetch from. Although, this was done out of the magnanimity of Dr. Clifford, we still consider this as an insult. To have waited after almost 4 years after the sod cutting and just close to elections, to come around to engage in another deception is the most insulting.

Mr. President, we were told that on your third but last visit to Damongo, you slept in the residence of Hon Abu Jinapor. This was what our MP packaged to us as one of his achievements. Unfortunately, Abu could not whisper to your ears that the water you had to bath was from a mechanized tap he did only for himself, his flowers as his cars. And that the rest of us his helpless constituents are made to drink from an abandoned dam that his water tanker draws water and distribute to us. 

Your Execellency sir, in your second but last visit in which you and your Abu sought to undermine and disrespect the Yagbonwura, I wish to remind you that the park in which we had the grand durbar of the One Year Anniversary of the Yagbonwura was the same park you stood and cut the sod for the water project on that black 29th July, 2020. Unfortunately again, Abu couldn’t tell you that even as at then, his constituents were still thirsty. I can bet my last coin that even your visit to the Yagbonwura tomorrow Monday, 14th October, 2024, you would not make a statement about you and your government’s failure to execute the Damongo water project. 

The fact is that you, Mr President, your MP for Damongo, Hon Abu Jinapor, don’t really give a damn if the people of Damongo constituency drink from a typhoid infested dam or from the gutters. Just the same way you two have conspired to allow for mining in our forest reserves and on protected rivers leading to the overwhelming pollution of all the rivers in Ghana including the black Volta which coincidentally passes through Buipe, where Abu’s father seats as the paramount chief. After all, Abu believes he doesn’t owe the people of Damongo anything significant, because he came to buy his way through to become an MP, and given the amount he  allegedly made from galamsey, he can and is ready to even pay 10 times of what he paid in 2020 to secure another stolen mandate. 

To conclude, I wish you, Mr President, the best of stay in Damongo. We know that your visit is to redeem Abu’s image in the Jakpa Palace and in Damongo Constituency at large. We only have one message for you, and that is, you can come to Damongo and stay for the rest of the days to elections, your NPP and your god-son, Abu Jinapor will lose, period! So, no amount of face-saving or image redemption therapy will be enough to cure your impending wounds. Be told also that, your god-son, Abu Jinapor does not believe that your NPP and Dr Bawumia can win, and so, he goes round in the constituency and begging the people to vote for him and John Mahama since, he knows the people won’t be voting for his Presidential Candidate. This is one of his hidden tricks which we need to let him know that this too won’t wash. 

You are welcome Mr President. 


Issifu Seidu Kudus Gbeadese

(Youth Imam from Laribanga)

Wednesday 9 October 2024


By Issifu Seidu Kudus Gbeadese

(Youth Imam from Laribanga)

The national conversation over the last couple of months has been on the illegal mining activities (galamsey) – an activity which can best be described as mass murder of innocent Ghanaians, including innocent fetus and newly born babies. It is quite evident that not even the attempted blame-shifting and agenda-setting can shift and share the blame with the National Democratic Congress.

Unfortunately, my Member of Parliament, Hon. Abu Jinapor, who doubles as the Minister for Lands and Natural Resources is in the centre of this conversation. His attempts to extricate himself by buying his way through the conversation, but that cannot and will not suffice. The law squarely places responsibility on the head of Hon. Abu Jinapor, the Minister responsible for Lands and Natural Resources, and a delegate of the President, to act responsibly in safeguarding our lands and natural resources.

Instructively, Article 257 Sub-clause 6 of the 1992 Constitution of Ghana clearly provides that all mineral resources in their natural state and upon any land in Ghana, including water resources, are the properties of the Republic of Ghana and shall vest in the President of Ghana for and on behalf of the people. By virtue of convention and standard practice, the President delegates his powers within the remit of this constitutional provision in his minister, and in this case, in the Minister for Lands and Natural Resources.  

In the exercise of his powers, the Minister acts through an Act of Parliament – the Minerals and Mining (Amendment) Act, 2006, (Act 703). Indeed, sections 4 and 5 and the adjoining sub-sections of this Act empowers the Minister for Lands and Natural Resources to issue, deny or revoke mining licenses in whichever form. In order to effectuate the powers and regulate the sector as per the law, regulations in the form of Legislative Instruments and Executive Instruments are enacted for these purposes.

In view of the above, in November 2022, the Legislative Instrument (LI) 2462 was enacted, deriving its force from the Environmental Protection Agency Act, 1994 (Act 490). The LI, “Environmental Protection (Mining in forest Reserves) Regulations, 2022 (L.I. 2462) allows for the Minister to grant mining concessions in forest reserves.

Meanwhile, prior to the enactment of this LI, the National Land Policy of 1999, prohibited mining in forest reserves especially, those reserves which were protected for ecosystem maintenance, biodiversity conservation and sustainable timber production. Unfortunately, due to political expediency, the formulation and subsequent enactment of this L.I. did not follow the usual trend of comprehensive consultation with key stakeholders like Civil Society Organizations and community-based stakeholders.

Under the L.I. 2462, mining licenses may be granted in forest reserves. Indeed, a multi-tiered permit regime is structured by this L.I. This include a forestry entry permit from the Forestry Commission (under the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources); mineral rights from the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources (signed and granted by the Minister, Abu Jinapor); and water use permit from the Water Resources Commission.

Effectively, regulation 2 under this L.I. 2462 elucidates the rationale behind its enactment. This encompasses the management of mining in forest reserves, efficient use of natural resources, stakeholder involvement in mining issues in forest reserves, effective mineral royalties’ administration and maximizing benefits for the local community from mining in forest reserves. And to think that this L.I. 2462 was even contemplated at the time galamsey and the pollution of our water bodies are at their apogee is the most disgusting. 

Well, after covertly setting up the conspiracy clothed in a legal framework (LI 2462) to legitimize the illegitimate, the political convenience and the twists then sets in. According to incontrovertible sources, thus, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN); The United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP), the World Conservation Monitoring (WCM); The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) and the Ghana Mining Repository (2023) – Abu Jinapor, the Minister for Lands and Natural Resources has, after the enactment of this L.I. in November 2022, issued 30 mining licenses for mining in forest reserves (protected areas). According to these sources, additional 1,350 mining concessions (outside of the protected areas) were granted, bringing the total to 1,380.

Subsequent to this, a report by the Ghana Institute of Foresters revealed that, at least 390,000 hectares of Ghana’s forest cover, covering a little above the landmarks of the Greater Accra Region, risk being wiped out as a result of the enactment of L.I. 2462. These include the protected areas, areas mapped as green belts and Globally Significant Biodiversity Areas (GSBAs).    

Flowing from the above incontrovertible facts as provided by these credible sources, the Fourth Estate reported on 5th September, 2024 that appointees and politically exposed persons were among those who benefitted from the 30 mining licenses issued for mining in forest reserves (protected areas). Some of these companies associated to appointees and politically exposed persons granted mining licenses in 2023 include:

1. Sam and Gyan Limited – a company traceable to Hon. Sam Pyne, President Akuffo-Addo’s appointee for the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly has been issued a mining concession to mine in the Oda River Forest Reserve, located in the Ashanti Region.   

2. Elite Minerals Ghana Limited – a company which is allegedly tied to the daughters of President Akuffo-Addo as beneficial owners or with associated interest. This company has concession in the Bonsa River Forest Reserve in the Western Region.

3. Nana Ansah Resources Limited – mining concession to mine gold in Mamiri Forest Reserve in the Ashanti Region of Ghana.

4. Clean-Jobs Resources Limited – a mining concession to mine in the Tano Anwia Forest Reserve in the Western region of Ghana.

5. Unipower Mining Company Limited – a mining concession to mine in the Boin Tano Forest Reserve in the Western Region of Ghana.

Sadly, fresh reports have it that, after the expose’ by the Fourth Estate, these data have since been expunged from the records of the Minerals Commission.

Aside from legitimizing the illegitimate through a legal framework, there is another angle to this genocide being perpetrated by the government and its associates. According to the Fourth Estate, just a month after the L.I. 2462 was gazetted, in August 25, 2022, Akonta Mining, a company with Bernard Boasiako a.k.a Chairman Wontumi as one of the two shareholders, applied for a mining concession to mine in the Tano Nimiri Forest Reserve. After evaluation, the Minerals Commission transmitted the application to the Minister for Lands and Natural Resources, Hon. Abu Jinapor for approval. Even before he could approve and issue the license, Chairman Wontumi’s Akonta Mining moved to site to start mining operations. This was subsequently described by the Minister as illegal, albeit, President defended Chairman Wontumi and his Akonta Mining.

In the midst of this conversation, the troubling part is that, the Minister for Lands and Natural Resources appears not worried – he is either dismissive or arrogantly snobbish. In the wake of the labour agitations, Hon. Abu Jinapor described the Organized Labour’s call for a moratorium on all mining activities as draconian. He further intimated that because mining is lucrative and has some economic value, we ought to pay off for its devastation on Ghana’s water bodies and forest reserves. In fact, Abu Jinapor and his NPP government cannot be tickled by the report from the Ghana Medical Association to the effect that cyanide and mercury are sometimes found in the placentas of pregnant women, and as a result babies are born deformed.

Ironically, while destroying these forest reserves and our water bodies, the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources and its allied agency, Forestry Commission, are all over the place with that charade of annual tree planting. In view of this, our taxes are wasted annually on this exercise. In fact, this failed policy is used as a cover for donor support. A couple of days ago, I read in the news that Hon. Abu Jinapor, has, on behalf of the Government of Ghana, signed a letter of intent for a grant amounting to $30m with the government of the United Arab Emirates, for forest conservation and alternative livelihood program.

Reading from successive budgets since 2021 is even extremely nauseating. The amount of money that leaks through the so called community mining and the alternative livelihood program is mindboggling. So, the devastation is not only on our forest reserves and water bodies, it is heavily felt in our annual budgets as much.

I wake up every day hoping to hear the name of Damongo Constituency with pride and for the good reasons, only to get disappointed. The man who we elected to represent us in Parliament has become the default image on newspapers and on online portals for the bad reasons. If Hon. Abu Jinapor’s name is not mentioned for corruption-related matters, his picture will be attached to headlines associated to this genocide (galamsey) or other daily scandals under this government.

The worse scenario is that, the galamsey menace is exceedingly pronounced under him as the Minister for Lands and Natural Resources. And quite unfortunate is the fact that he has granted more mining licenses than all the ministers of Lands put together since the inception of the 1992 Constitution of Ghana. Well, power can trick the powerful to get an illusion that the shoulder of God is just closer to theirs. It may not hurt today, it may look flowery and taste good, but the consequences awaits us. Time is our greatest ally. 


Thursday 26 September 2024


By Kudus Gbeadese 

The King of the Gonja Kingdom, Jira Yagbonwura Bii-Kunuto Jewu Soale 1, has honored Hon Adam Mutawakilu Garlus for his hard work, dedication to duty and respect for the tradition and traditional leadership in Gonjaland. At just ended Damba festival, Jira Yagbonwura acknowledged the former MP for Damongo Constituency. 

This is in recognition of his contribution to the overall development of Gonjaland and Damongo in particular.

Hon Garlus has served in various capacities as a politician and private individual. As the DCE for the West Gonja District, Hon Garlus championed the fully participated in the process leading to the realization of the 148.5km Fufulso-Damongo-Sawla, which was constructed by H.E John Dramani Mahama and the NDC government between 2012 and 2015. 

During his reign as a DCE and an MP, the Damongo constituency witnessed its significant part of physical infrastructure and human resource development. It is in view of this that the Late Busunuwura Nungbaso gave him the name “Ye ne awura”, to wit, the one who fulfills his promises. 

As an MP, Hon Garlus did his best on human resource development particularly. He was able to secure about 25 scholarships to students at various levels of tertiary institutions including 2 PhD students. He instituted the first ever award scheme for the best BECE students and supported the operations of CAMFED in propelling the girl-child education.

Under Hon Garlus, Damongo Constituency had most of its communities, including Busunu, Nabori, Achubunyor, Mempeasem, etc. connected to the national grid.

So this honor was neither arranged nor exaggerated, it was on merit. It is his pledge that he, together with President Mahama, will ensure the timely execution of the Damongo Water Project when elected in the December 7th general elections.

Friday 16 August 2024


 By Issifu Seidu Kudus Gbeadese 

(Youth Imam from Laribanga) 


I have read a very short submission from my big brother, Braimah Amati Lord-Ken, a US-based Gonja fine brain, on the above subject. Just like I have always stated, everyone’s opinion is sacred and ought to be expressed as such. I have grown to like Ken’s love for Gonja and his largely objective posturing when it comes to issues of Gonjaland and especially the politics in the land.

That said, I think I will agree with him in principle, but practically, I totally disagree with the submission by Ken to the effect that the current generation in Gonjaland has their star in Abu and for that matter, he must be protected. I am beginning to feel this is a calculated choreography from the NPP to emotionally blackmail the people of Gonja for their own gains. The reason is that, this assertion maintained by my good brother, Ken, has not come in isolation. Over the last couple of weeks, especially after the ban was placed on Abu in Gonjaland, many of his appendages started with this emotional blackmail. 

Indeed, many of them even reached out to some of us to tone down on our criticisms of Abu, especially about his failure to lead the charge to deliver the Damongo water project. They advanced this same argument that whereas Dagombas are nurturing Haruna from the NDC and Dr. Amin Anta from the NPP, we, in Gonjaland must come together to support and nurture Abu from the NPP so that he will also rise at equal wavelength with H.E John Dramani Mahama in the very near future. This is not bad in principle, for I hold the solemn belief that nothing happens in politics if it wasn’t design to happen. But I would not allow myself to be hoodwinked and bundled into this blackmail, when the same person we are discussing doesn’t believe in the Gonja agenda. 

In as much as I will subscribe to any such deliberate agenda from Gonjas as a people, I would not be susceptible to any backdoor blackmail. Does Abu believe in Gonjaland agenda? What has he done to advance same just like Haruna Iddrisu and Dr. Amin Anta are doing in Dagbon? Has he not strategically placed himself to be used by Akuffo-Addo to undo President Mahama’s bid in the past and even in this 2024 elections? We have eyes that can see the unseen, ears that hear from the dark and of course brains that can think and sift between good intentions and selfish desires. 

At what point did we see the need to support our own? I have said it before, if there is any place in the entire North where John Mahama had been wrongfully vilified and still being attacked, it is none other but Bole and Damongo. We are here, when the NPP boldly spit on our faces with the remarks that they cannot condone tribal politics. In fact, Abu’s repeated the same remarks at the Bolewura’s palace during their last visit after his ban. Abu said, the fact that John Mahama is a Gonja doesn’t mean all of us should support him. And that the only ingredient we use to cook the political soup is development and not tribalism. What does he mean by these remarks at the instance of the people of Bole, the Bolewura and Dr Bawumia? 

My senior brother Ken, did you hear Abu make the above remarks? Indeed, during his last acclamation leading to his candidature for his party in Damongo, Abu declared Savannah region as the battle ground for the 2024 elections. And that, all though John Mahama is from the region, they will snatch more seats in addition to his in order to make the NPP the majority from Savannah Region. Yes, you may want to say we should pardon him, because it was just political talk, but Abu’s own activities prior and post his declaration point to his resolve to undermine President Mahama, disgrace him and effectively undo his next coming as President.

I was thinking that my brother, Ken, would rather admonish Abu to tone down especially, with his underhand dealings to expose Gonjaland to ridicule through their well-hatched agenda of making the world to feel President Mahama indeed, did nothing for Gonjaland when he was President. 

We were here when the issue of the renovation of the Jakpa Palace became the most discussed topic in Ghana. How was that? Lawyer Abu Jinapor schemed through to make it sound like the former President could not even renovate his own father’s house, so how can he manage Ghana? In the bid to crystallize this agenda and to put the icing on the cake, they made it news that Dr Bawumia was committed at renovating the palace. True to it, Abu and his henchmen got the palace re-painted and his boys in Damongo took pictures of the Palace and flooded them on social media to make the point that instead of John Mahama, Dr Bawumia has come to the aid of Gonjas by building their own overlord, a palace. Does this posture afford us the opportunity to foster a united front towards the future? And let nobody tell me that Abu didn’t have a hand in all of these. 

Even when President Mahama started a completely new palace project, Abu, our only Cabinet Minister and the MP for Damongo, has made frantic efforts to undo President Mahama’s gesture. In view of this, they are renovating the old structure just by what President Mahama is building and they intend to commission it sometime after President Mahama hands over the new palace to the overlord. All of these are calculated at undermining President Mahama and of course the Gonja agenda Mr Ken is genuinely preaching. 

My brother Ken is from Bole, and so, I am very certain that he has the love for his people at heart. As we speak, the gold deposits in Bole have been mortgaged by Lawyer Abu Jinapor to foreign companies at the expense of the youth in Bole. At the last Gonjaland Youth Congress in Damongo, the Gonjaland Youth Association (GLYA) President, at paragraph 32 of his speech, bemoaned the lack of consultation with key stakeholders as required by the Minerals and Mining Act, 2006 (ACT 703), which, Abu, is required by law and good intentions to work with, in granting the mining concession to the foreign company. In fact, in his speech, Former President Mahama, on the same platform repeated the concerns raised by the GLYA President. Abu, out of whatever on the same platform, rubbished the concerns raised by both President Mahama and the President of the Gonjaland Youth Association. Subsequently, we heard the interview granted by the MP for Bole, Hon. Yussif Sulemana Ori, to the effect that there was no due diligence done and effectively no stakeholder engagement was carried out as done elsewhere before granting mineral concessions to foreign companies. What should our youth eat? 

Indeed, subsequent to all these, we witnessed the brawl between the Vice Chairman of the NPP in the Bole Constituency, the Police and other agents of the concession. Unfortunately, this led to the beating to pulp, of my good friend, Suraj Mahama, the NPP constituency secretary. I want to humbly ask a question, was the Yagbonwura and other key stakeholders in the land consulted and engaged prior to the granting of the concession? Has there been an alternative livelihood programs and retaining the rights to persons with the surface rights to the lands given on concession as contained in section 72 of the Minerals and Mining Act? How about ensuring local participation pursuant to section 50 of the same Act 703 of 2006? 

The last straw that broke the camel’s back is the issue of comparing Abu to President Mahama. We read from Abu’s recruited defenders, who are trained to taint the name and image of President Mahama. Each passing time, these agents of Abu, make the silly claim without any reservation, that Abu has done more in terms of development of Gonjaland than President Mahama. The come forcefully with this silly remarks, of course, with the tacit approval of Abu. Although, this sounds ridiculous, but shouldn’t we take those remarks serious? 

These agents of Abu mince no words when they come after President Mahama especially, when Abu is under siege. In fact, Abu’s aide, one Manuel Quaye, have had occasions where he undressed Former President Mahama and made very damning remarks about him. In the heat of the moment, when Abu’s ban became a reality, this same Manuel Quaye was the one who put together dirty headlines against the Yagbonwura. He mistakenly posted what was meant for an NPP platform, on the Damongo Youth Parliament platform. One of such headlines suggested that the reason why the Yagbonwura banned Abu was because the former requested a Land Cruiser from the latter, which hasn’t been delivered. True to their plan, we saw the publications on Ghanaweb the next day with that headline. And as we speak, such a publication is still on that website. 

What partly got Abu his current standing in the NPP was his penchant and love for attacking President Mahama. In fact, Abu was part of the plan to undo President Mahama’s second term in 2016. He, together with some Northern brothers and sisters were put together to sell Former President Mahama out with their incessant attacks and describing him in all forms. I still can remember his description of President Mahama as the most corrupt at All Nation’s University College in Koforidua. At the time, his own blood brother was an appointee of President Mahama. Should we also say, he was envious of his own brother at the time as my brother Ken wants us to believe? 

Today, Abu is fighting everyone in Gonjaland including Chiefs and the big faces who matter in our politics. We cannot bury our faces like the proverbial ostrich to the silent in-fighting between Abu and Dr Clifford. Did Abu not allegedly asked for Dr Clifford to be removed from the NPP National Council and replaced him? Was that one to envy? Should we be seen promoting each other or pulling dirty strings from behind? 

How many times have you read in the news that the NDC in North-East Region issued any statement or make any news to paint Dr Bawumia dirty after the visit of President Mahama to that region? The NPP in Bole, in Damongo and in fact, in Savannah does it with ease. The very moment Dr Bawumia visits Savannah, in order to show their unalloyed loyalty to him, they will definitely find something to send President Mahama to the cleaners. When Abu made the promise to construct an Astro turf for Bole, it wasn’t made out of good intentions, but to subtly attack former President Mahama. And the NPP members’ subsequent writings and posturing confirmed this. 

I am not against promoting the Gonja agenda in principle, but it must not start with Abu, but H.E John Dramani Mahama. It takes more than just financial resources to get called to the apogee of politics. And if anybody should be learning this, it has to be Abu and his appendages.

I will conclude by asking, between getting President Mahama at the seat of government and preparing Abu for the future in the midst of these political uncertainties, which one is the easiest and achievable? If the NPP in Savannah region continue to pull the strings in order to get President tainted, we, at the other side will not lend our emotions to be blackmailed by any future agenda. If the people of Gonja want to have an agenda, it must be now with President Mahama or never in the future with anybody.

Tuesday 13 August 2024


By Issifu Seidu Kudus Gbeadese 
(Youth Imam from Laribanga)

I wish to start with a sincere welcome to Manasseh Azuri Awuni, from his long hideout and political exile which was very necessary under the circumstances. At least, he’s back and gained his thoughts and voice back at a time, President Akuffo-Addo has practically lost his political claws to strangle him once more. He’s welcome to contribute his bit to enrich Ghana’s democracy, and he can be rest assured that President Mahama will never sent him into exile. 

Just as I indicated in my earlier episodes, I, Kudus Gbeadese, will find it very difficult to forgive Manasseh for one amongst many reasons; the fact that he was unconscionable enough to have published his so called Ford Expedition bribery allegations on President Mahama on the day, the latter’s mother passed. I know I am not God to have forgiven his sins, but I cannot seem to get that feeling out of me. That in itself does not take away my love for his writings and his work with the Fourth Estate. 

I was only thinking that, Manasseh will rather apologize to President Mahama and to the good people of Ghana for his contribution to the current mis-governing and the economic crisis we find ourselves. He cannot exculpate himself from liability for bathing and whitewashing President Akuffo-Addo to Ghanaians at the time Ghana was about to jet into economic prosperity. Manasseh equated President Mahama to a “Sheep” and made the case that he would prefer to vote for a Sheep than to vote for President Mahama in 2016. If he has revised his notes about this position, it is only right and natural for him to state so other than seeking to justify his position then. 

It is very natural and part of the way of life that all of us cannot see a round ball from the same angle and perspective. That is why on any subject matter, each one of us has an opinion quite distinct and different from other’s. On this score, I do not seek to take away Manansseh’s right to have an opinion about any policy proposal put out by President Mahama including the 24Hour Economy. It is only fair that he does his critique from both ends of his head, so that, this too shall not fall as one of his usual dismissive attitudes without proper introspection. 

I wish to submit on this score that, just as Manasseh got it wrong in believing that President Akuffo-Addo was a saint and therefore helped to campaign and ultimately installed him as President in 2017, same way he’s getting it all wrong with this 24Hour economy. I would not discount totally, his aversions to this policy, but he is practically getting it all wrong to start with.

Reading his submissions on this policy, I gathered that his main challenge is that even the 8 hours we do as the labour laws require us in Ghana, it is still not being optimally utilized, with many state institutions being redundant and unproductive. He may be right, but that cannot be a reason the 24Hour Economy cannot be realized. 

Manasseh was one of the champions and mouthpiece for the Free SHS policy. Even in the midst of the challenges, he has not run down the policy in its totality. While he’s applauding President Akuffo-Addo for the FSHS policy, the basic schools are suffering with payments of their capitation grants. Indeed, there are still basic schools under trees and under worse situations while the FSHS in implemented. 

In fact, while Ghana is being applauded for the numbers under the FSHS, some Senior High School students still take their meals under trees while others sleep in verandahs converted into rooms. 

So, it goes to say that, even where there are challenges with a particular established system like the current 8 hour shift for the public sector, one cannot stand on that to berate a proposal to run a 3-shift economy. It is a matter of choice, will, and a deliberate policy to recalibrate the system in order to change the structure with one stone. 

It is the case that, the Association of Ghana Industries, the Ghana Federation of Labour, the Trade’s Union Congress and other groups in the context of the Economy, have described this policy proposal as the game-changer, given the current economic climate Ghana finds itself. Nobody said, and not even President intimated that it is going to be all rosy within the short time. But like Lee Kuan Yew did in Singapore with a deliberate policy and the political will, it has to take someone to do same for Ghana if we ever want to get our economics right.

The Youth of Ghana can no longer wait for honey and milk to flow in our rivers in order for our political leaders to fix us. In fact, we can no longer wait for many more excuses from our political leadership to delay our destinies. The time is now, and we expect leadership to cut down on their taste for luxury and then sacrifice to make Ghana better. It takes just a leader with the will to do so. The increasing patronage, the political clientellism, the tribal bigotry, the politics of fear and the deliberate pursuit to compromise independent state institutions and other private institutions that should put government to check, are contributing to destroy this country. 

Although, we still don’t have the benefit of the NDC 2024 manifesto and not a policy document yet on the 24Hour Economy, but with the snippets of information from President Mahama and other speakers on this proposed policy, it is very easy to reason and resonate with it. It is about time, independent people like Manasseh stop the wholesale whitewashing of proposed policies and come to the table for reasonable discussions. 

A policy which is intended to be rolled out in some selected public sector agencies like the Passport Office, the DVLA, the Ports, etc. and to be opened for the private sector to subscribe to with the intention to engineer economic activities cannot be written of with a skewed opinion. Indeed, there is the demand for this policy given that the unemployment rate is around 14.7% according to the Ghana statistical Service. 

So, I am analyzing a proposed policy that is meant to increase our workforce by 2-folds. And I only think that we must support even if we have to all come together to refine it to fit for purpose, we owe the people that duty. Manasseh had the benefit of experiencing other countries where he had his time on exile, some of those countries run 24Hour economies, so, we can only implore him to bring his experience to the table for us to take one step forward. 

I have read from President Mahama on this policy. My takeaways from what I read are that, there will be tax incentives for companies that will sign up to the 24Hour economy to boost their capacity to employ more young people and to increase economic productivity and growth given their current capacity. Also, companies that do not have the capacity too will be supported by the government to increase their capacities for the purposes of operating 24Hours. In fact, such companies will have cheap power at off-peak hours of the day with relatively cheaper utility charges with other utility services. 

I want to humbly submit to Manasseh that this is achievable if we undo our quick cynicism and critique without reasoning deep and reflecting on how we can get going as a nation. 

Yes, Ghana’s economy is facing challenges, and we are not in isolation as far as these challenges are concerned. But Manasseh cannot tell me that it is not the case that part of the reason we are having to to face these challenges is the government’s deliberate mismanagement of the economy and the fleeting of our public finances on fanciful projects and discretionary expenditures on themselves other than on capital expenditures. I can bet with my life that If Manasseh is given Ghana’s economy to manage today, it won’t take rocket science to reset it and to get going seamlessly. It will just take one click—cutting down on the waste and pilfering of state resources and re-channeling same into productive ventures that will get this economy back on its feet. 

Even in the midst of the challenges, the government of President Akuffo-Addo and Dr Mahmoud Bawunia is still bent on spending more on consumption related activities. We are still servicing several amorphous agencies like the Free SHS secretariat, One-District-One-Factory Secretariat, the three Development Authorities with their amorphous agencies at the behest of the Presidency and the relatively elephant-size government ever in our history in the 4th Republic. Lest I forget, we still haven’t had the economic benefit of spending as much $58m on the world most expensive hole in the heart of the capital, Accra. 

So, if anybody should argue that, expending funds on such “useless” ventures do not contribute to our economic mess, I would have to look twice before assessing the person’s sanity. Indeed, Manasseh cannot argue that re-channeling such funds into the 24Hour Economy or the $10bn BIG PUSH or on setting up the Women’s bank is a no-brainer. We need the 24Hour Economy now or never in the future.

I will humbly request Manasseh to come again and perhaps, come to the table with his ideas to make the 24Hour Economy a reality.



 By Issifu Seidu Kudus Gbeadese 

(Youth Imam from Laribanga)


1. The Member of Parliament for the Damongo Constituency, Hon Abu Jinapor, has, just like his Flag Bearer, called for a Parliamentary debate in the Damongo Constituency. He made the call while undertaking his campaign activities in the constituency over the past week. 

2. Just like his Flag bearer, Dr. Mahmoud Bawumia did make a similar call for debate with President Mahama, Abu Jinapor is equally seeking a platform to restore his lost credibility and the goodwill the people of Damongo constituency handed him. So, in a bid to get that restored, he’s desparately seeking to play smart for such a play to play his usual rhetoric and theatrics in order to secure some already-made skewed headlines. 

3. Political debates in themselves are built to enrich the contours of democracy, since they effectively help to create some form of interface for citizens to participate and to get clarity to certain confusions and policy uncertainties. So, any form or nature political debates come, in principle, it is certainly a move to enrich our democracy, to ensure accountability, responsive leadership and to ultimately measure the level of sincerity  in our leaders. 

4. However, given the current circumstances, there is nothing to debate about. Indeed, what is there to debate is to account to the people of Damongo of his stewardship and not to his opponent. Hon Abu Jinapor owes the good people of Damongo an explanation to multiple issues, and that should be the beginning of accounting to the people.

5. To begin with, the people of Damongo are still expecting Hon Abu Jinapor to account for and to offer sincere reasons why after 4 years since the sod cutting ceremony for the Damongo Water project, nothing is done and nothing seems not to be done. Meanwhile, on the day of the sod-cutting ceremony, as part of his speech, Hon Abu Jinapor made the promise that the project will be completed in 18 months after July, 2020. Indeed, his slogan was, “promise made, promise fulfilled.” Where can we find the water project in Damongo? Or we should pray hard for the Broto mechanized borehole which they say is 10% complete,  to come and replace the $49m project they promised? 

6. Indeed, Hon Abu Jinapor owe us an explanation as to why he has never asked a question or make a statement on the Floor of Parliament on the Damongo water project and on any other challenges his constituency faces. In fact, he owes us an explanation as to why he hasn’t fulfilled a promise to drill the 10 mechanized boreholes in Damongo township. A whole Minister for Lands and Natural Resources yet, you cannot drill and mechanize boreholes for your people in the stead of the water project you refused to execute, at least as a way of saying "I am sorry for the deception."

7. Again, Hon Abu Jinapor owes the Busunuwura and the people of Busunu an explanation as to why the factory he and the President’s daughter promised the good people of Busunu, has not being realized. Also, at the instance of the Busunuwura, Hon Abu Jinapor promised that one of the pumping stations for rhe Damongo water project will be situated in Busunu to help distribute water to the communities around Busunu. Is there a reason we shouldn’t ask why the said distribution station hasn’t be established in Busunu yet? 

8. To add to this, since it’s construction, the so called Islamic Secondary School for my community, Laribanga, remains a painted building and not a school in operation. In the midst of this, what Hon Abu Jinapor thinks the people of Laribanga deserve is sharing of money and cooked food and not to put the so called Islamic Secondary School into operation. In addition to this, just about 1000m to Laribanga, Lawyer Abu Jinapor and his government, after assuming office, got part of the stretch of the Fufulso-Sawla road razed, with the pledge that it will be fixed. In fact, they brought a contractor with equipment to deceive the late Yagbonwura Tuntumba that they were in to rehabilitate that portion of the road. As we speak, that 100m razed portion and other portions of the road leading to Sawla have become death traps without any intention to fix them. Can he debate that? 

9. Hon Lawyer Abu Jinapor, in the middle of the campaign leading to election 2020, you amplified the promise of President Akuffo-Addo to the effect that Damongo will be getting a regional hospital as part of the Agenda 111 hospital projects. What is the state of this promise? You and your government also promised the people of Damongo of a Shea nut factory under the 1D1F. Will you be candid enough to show us where the factory is or why we haven’t seen anything yet? 

10. With all due respect to my MP, he is the Minister for Lands and Natural resources. By convention and standard practice, one of the primary responsibility is to ensure that our environment is protected. I want to remind him that just behind his house in Damongo, there is commercial charcoal burning going on. In fact, most of the trucks that come from the South to load the charcoal mostly find space to park at the junction leading to his house. Also, while you spend millions of our taxes in a so called tree planting, you are complicit in the ongoing destruction of our environment through indiscriminate logging, because you watch on while the logging goes on because of votes. Find sometime to debate that, sir.

11. Hon MP for Damongo, can you show us a single person, at least, from your party who you secured a scholarship for to study and upgrade him or herself? At a time, the scholarship secretariat was under your direct supervision as a Deputy Chief of Staff. Is it the case of a calculated sabotage to those who otherwise would be interested to further their education? Or should I believe the narrative from your own people that you have this extreme phobia for those in pursuit of higher learning? These are the real issues and not your usual games you play with our emotions. 

12. ⁠You promised to construct the following roads: a) from Canteen-Frafraline to Sor. No. 3; b) from Mognori to Murugu; c) from Yipala to Broto. Please sir, what happened to that promise? Or you were waiting for this last minute so called DRIP project meant to hoodwink the people into voting for you once more? 

13. ⁠Hon Abu Jinapor, when you are done answering the above questions, and done with the explanations and clarity to the lingering issues on your head including why the people of Damongo constituency are also suffering from ther high cost of living when you promised that you would write the name of Damongo with gold, then, you would secure the moral right to call for a debate. 

We cannot allow you stain our white shirt with your dirt. Go and debate the people about the whereabouts of the $49m meant for the Damongo water project. When you are done with all that, you have a relatively huge responsibility to undo the reality turned into a tag on your neck that you are ARROGANT. 

Please sir, is it really true that you don't listen to good counsel from anybody and that it is the reason you have sent all those reasonable people who could otherwise give you good counsel into political exile while keeping those you can order around in close proximity? 
